Red roses, white daisies, and yellow mums arranged in a clear glass vase.
A sophisticated collection of white roses and stock accented with elegant greenery and eucalyptus designed in a classic glass vase.
12 carnations of various colors designed in a glass vase with greenery and baby’s breath.
Wild flower style floral design in vase with a mixture of purple and lavender blooms.
12 long stem roses in various colors arranged in a clear glass vase.
A pastel collection of spring blooms designed in a wooden birdhouse container. Note: color of birdhouse may vary-yellow, blue, green, pink
A mixture of red flowers including roses, gerbera daisies, berries, and carnations designed in a red glass vase accented with a red bow.
Evergreens designed with traditional red and white Christmas blooms nestled in a wooden birdhouse container.
A collection of vibrant pink roses, daisies, lilies, and berries designed in a pink vase.
A bold collection of sunflowers, iris, and roses carefully arranged in a frosted red glass vase.
A colorful mix of roses, carnations and daisy’s all set in a delightfully happy ceramic bumblebee. This arrangement will have them simply buzzing with joy!
Spring tulips, snapdragons, roses, carnations, and daisies arranged in a clear glass vase.
Smile face ceramic mug with a variety of full size and fun size candy bars. Note: candy may vary.
An elegant collection of white blooms designed in a glass cube vase.
Mixed garden variety of roses, sunflowers, asters, and mums in a clear glass vase.